Season 8
(If an episode title isn’t clickable, I haven’t written about it yet.)
- The Foundation
- The Soul Mate
- The Bizarro Jerry
- The Little Kicks
- The Package
- The Fatigues
- The Checks
- The Chicken Roaster
- The Abstinence
- The Andrea Doria
- The Little Jerry
- The Comeback
- The Money
- The Van Buren Boys
- The Susie
- The Pothole
- The English Patient
- The Nap
- The Yada Yada
- The Millennium
- The Muffin Tops
- The Summer of George
Episodes are listed in production order, i.e. the order they are presented canonically on the DVDs. On digital platforms, the episodes are most often listed in the chronological order they aired.
For Season 8, this means just one minor difference, as “The Comeback” aired after “The Money.”
Last Updated: November 6, 2024