Season 5
(If an episode title isn’t clickable, I haven’t written about it yet.)
- The Mango
- The Glasses
- The Puffy Shirt
- The Sniffing Accountant
- The Bris
- The Lip Reader
- The Non-Fat Yogurt
- The Barber
- The Masseuse
- The Cigar Store Indian
- The Conversion
- The Stall
- The Marine Biologist
- The Dinner Party
- The Pie
- The Stand-In
- The Wife
- The Fire
- The Raincoats
- The Hamptons
- The Opposite
Episodes are listed in production order, i.e. the order they are presented canonically on the DVDs. On digital platforms, the episodes are most often listed in the chronological order they aired.
For Season 5, there aren’t any huge changes between the production order and the broadcast order. Three sets of episodes swapped their positions, the first being “The Glasses” airing after “The Puffy Shirt”, then “The Marine Biologist” airing after “The Dinner Party,” and finally “The Fire” airing after “The Raincoats.”
Last Updated: November 6, 2024